About Us

Since our inception in 1968, we have continued to build our business on the strengths of our people, supportive vendors, incredible customer relations, ambition for continual improvement and the vision of making a difference.

Our founders, Paul Janza and Vlado Zupanec have strived for lifelong beneficial partnerships and strategic alliances with vendors and customers alike. This has been the core of our success and has been the DNA of our past, present and future.

DNA of our past, present and future.

Continuing Success

We continue to ensure our customers’ success through constant communication, a clear focus on improved efficiencies and simply understanding the modern challenges and needs. We then apply our committed resources to making it happen from inception through to completion.

Commitment to Improvement

At the core of our value system is the concept of continuous improvement to our entire organization. We are driven to improve our systems (through innovation), our people (through training) and our capabilities (through investment).


Customer Industries


Nahanni Steel Products has grown to become an essential and respected tier II / tier III partner in areas of stampings, welded assemblies, and mechanical assemblies.

Services include:

  • New production tooling
  • Technical collaboration during quotation and new projects
  • Tooling maintenance and engineering changes
  • Emergency bailout (press rentals)
  • Cost savings ideas
  • Lessons learned collaboration
  • 3D printing
  • Production fixtures for stamping, welding and assembly
  • Packaging solutions
  • Delivery options

Metal Roofing

Nahanni Steel Products Inc. is the proud manufacturer of steel roofing shingles, snowguards and other metal roofing accessories under the ARMADURA™ banner.

For more information, please visit the Armadura Metal Roof website.


Metal Stamping

Progressive & hand transfer tools (up to 800 tons)


Spot, robotic mag

Mechanical Assembly

Riveting, clip insertion, toggle lock


Metal Stamping

Progressive & hand transfer tools (up to 800 tons)


Spot, robotic mag

Mechanical Assembly

Riveting, clip insertion, toggle lock

Metal Stamping

Progressive & hand transfer tools (up to 800 tons)


Spot, robotic mag

Mechanical Assembly

Riveting, clip insertion, toggle lock

Our Super heros

Our super heros are fighting with Coronavirus.

Contact us

Get In Touch


38 Deerhurst Drive​
Brampton, ON - L6T 5R8



We thank you for inquiring about our company and welcome all communications. For more information, please contact us at:


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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)

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